Thank you for the feedback, Ben! We are glad this video is connecting with so many of our members. Our production team will be so 😊 for your feedback, too!
Hi jpetraglia! Canadians are certainly built different, and we respect it! 🧊❄️I hear what you are saying, a horse can't be stuck not moving and freezing for weeks on end. The concern Max brings up is a study done by Oklahoma State University, linked here - I know for myself, I can not run sprints in the cold or my chest tightens up, but if I jog at a pace I can breathe through my nose, I may be able to go a little longer but I definitely still feel cold air in my lungs! The hope from this course is that there is an awareness of the effects of icy air on respiratory system, but we all have to take our individual circumstances and horses into consideration.Where I live in NC, we also have the mild rainy weather that then drops below freezing, and my horses never go in their shelters in the rain! A great example of when to blanket that I learned, too!
Hey @Rebecca, we are definitely excited to do follow up with these pairs! We just filmed this course back in Fall of 2024, so be on the lookout for follow up later this year!
Replied on Day 1 - Hannah & Xena - Josh Nichol Clinic Case Studies
Feb 04 at 05:58 AM
Love hearing your empathy for Xena 🙏