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January 27

I have two wins from this weekend!

  1. I made it to the barn! As a mom of a toddler, just finding time to get to the barn is a challenge—add the mental hurdle of arranging childcare and battling guilt, and it’s a lot. But this weekend was sunny and beautiful, and even though part of me wanted to stay home, I reached out for support and made it happen. Win!

  2. I channeled Tik and Josh during groundwork. I’d planned to ride, but one look in my horse’s eye told me it was a groundwork day. Instead of feeling disappointed, I embraced it, inspired by Tik’s excitement for groundwork and play. While working at liberty, I challenged myself to move bigger, more open, and fluid with my arms and hands, like Josh does. Normally, I hold back and be a bit more rigid, but this time, I let go of all that self-consciousness—and it was incredible. My horse’s responses were so light and so in tune, it truly felt magical. We had so much fun.

What's your win? 😍

January 15

So I was doing some work with my mare on the lunge line today.. shebwas not happy, was reactive, and just saying "no". I thought "hmmm... she isn't typically like this during groundwork or lunge line stuff, maybe I should take it off ". ..
Now, part of me was struggling with this because she was being "naughty" (I rarely use that term... but there was a whole lot of "no ma'am " happening today), and if I took it off, was I allowing her to get away with this not-so-great behavior?? Well, I trusted my gut, and took her rope halter and line off. Initially she was just walking around sniffing, only paying attention to me about 10% of the time. I let her sniff then asked her to move forward.
To my very pleasant surprise, my mare did a lovely trot and canter circle around me, even kept it about a perfect 20m circle. She listened to my voice cues, my body language. It was awesome!!!! Maybe she was annoyed i wasnt "trusting" her and today needed to be the day I let her work at liberty!!! It was so lovely!!
I finished our time off by putting her back on the lead line and asking her to trot over some ground poles. This time, she was soft, nice and forward, stretching forward and down. I wanted her to finish on the lunge line in a positive light, and she totally did.
Today was a huge win for us. My mare is definitely showing me that I can trust her and ask her for more than I have realized!

January 21

Hi members! Have you tried Ifa Simmond's Cross Training for Equestrians program? I’m collecting testimonials and would love to hear about your experience! 🤩 Your feedback could inspire others to take the leap and transform their riding and fitness journey.

January 10
• Edited (Jan 10, 2025)

As there are no big or small wins, here’s mine for the week:

Today, I was getting frustrated while riding my horse. He kept pulling toward the gate and just wouldn’t relax. I was waiting (and waiting) for that moment of calm release, where he’d stop moving his feet and his head would drop—but it wasn’t coming, no matter what I tried or how long I waited. I felt myself getting more and more annoyed. I didn’t have all day to wait for him to settle, and the frustration was building.

But after watching all of Josh's content, I knew––if I couldn’t relax, there was no way my horse would, either. So, as he continued to walk around the ring, I decided to focus on myself. I tried some of Julia’s breathing exercises, and slowly, the fog of frustration started to clear. I stopped fixating on what wasn’t happening and started to just be in (and enjoy!) the moment, even if it wasn’t the ride I originally wanted.

Eventually, my horse found his calm, too. When he did, we ended the ride—both of us no longer frustrated or tense.

What's your win this week?

January 12

I’m really enjoying the Dear Horse World episodes. The ones with Josh Nichols, Tik Maynard and Mark Rashid are all so good. So many good nuggets of information. I already feel more connection to my mare just by slowing down and being mindful of every move I make. It’s so amazing. Grateful that we have access to such brilliant minds.

January 12
• Edited (Jan 12, 2025)
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BIG day yesterday for Lady!

Lady got A2M & amniotic fluid injections with Dr Alberto Rulan at Equine Performace Center in Ocala FL yesterday. We injected her lumbar and cervical spine (where we found bone spurs from past trauma). She also got injections in her left eye, where Uveitus has flared up two times since I got her (common in Appaloosa’s). They use an ultrasound to locate the inflammation and then inject the Alpha and Rovolo directly into the inflamed area. This is our physio protocol for the next 3 weeks and then she gets a follow up round. This cost roughly $2500 USD (not cheap). The goal is annual maintenance for 12 months and a if it’s effective, it’s a better alternative to steroids.

20 mins Physio every day;
1\. Raised walk Poles
2\. Crunches
3\. Full lateral Neck stretches
4\. Lots of stretching lateral stretching

October 17, 2024

I wanted to share a little clip from last night. Riding Lady with GG at liberty in Wyoming. After so much relational work with Josh - both online and in person- I feel so empowered in my trust and bond with both my horses. I felt like a million bucks riding around last night, in a completely new place, feeling the connection between me & Lady, me & GG and GG & Lady. Like invisible threads. Lady’s mind & body under saddle has improved 10x and she’s soft and balanced under saddle thanks to all the body mapping and balance work with Josh. Wow, I am over the moon 🌙

September 27, 2024

Hi! I wanted to share a victory of my own since watching Josh’s latest course. It’s given me so much more awareness of my horse’s needs. While my horse tends to be more of a Mind horse, I’ve definitely seen him experience all three needs. Over the past week, I’ve changed how I respond when I recognize he's seeking a need. For example, when he’s in a Pressure state, I used to think he was being disrespectful and would move him out of my space. I still don't let him walk over me, but now the energy is different—I've learned to use those moments to connect with him.

When I’m riding, I’ve been focusing on using my reins to help change his thoughts. The other day, we were in the ring, and his paddock buddy was getting ready to head out for a trail ride. I started feeling a bit anxious because usually, when his friend leaves without him, my horse gets upset, and I end up needing to get off and do groundwork. But this time, after just a few soft thought redirections, he stayed calm and relaxed, and we had an amazing ride. He didn’t look, lean towards the gate, or call out once. I was so happy! It felt amazing to have a better understanding of his needs so that we can have the best relationship and truly want to be together— even more than being on a fun trail ride with his best horse-friend!

September 09, 2024
• Edited (Oct 26, 2024)

We want to hear from YOU!  What have you learned on NF+ that has helped you and your horse improve?  Have you had any break-throughs or memorable learning moments?  Share your pictures, videos, and success stories here!