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  in  🐎 road_to_the_horse_2025
March 31

We are so excited that our very own Tik Maynard has won Road to the Horse for the second year in a row! Thank you to everyone who joined us this weekend — whether you were hanging out in the NF+ watch party threads or stopped by the booth in Lexington, it was so fun to cheer Tik on with all of you.

And good news: we’re extending your chance to win a private 30-minute Office Hours session with Tik! Everyone who comments here in RTTH forum between now and April 7 will be automatically entered. We’ll pick a winner during our April 8 webinar with Tik on NF+!

  in  🐎 road_to_the_horse_2025
March 31

I’m stoked Tik is showing the WESTERN world that natural horsemanship, observation, communication and my favorite.. PLAY are building blocks to success!

  in  🐎 road_to_the_horse_2025
March 30

Congratulation Tik. So proud of you. I really enjoyed meeting the crew at the Noelle Floyd booth this weekend. What a super group of ladies!

  in  🐎 road_to_the_horse_2025
March 31

We were able to catch up on the final last night after coming back from the barn. Road to the Horse 2025 was a master class on what to do and what not to do. Tik demonstrated the balance of how much to push and when not to push to achieve maximum performance on a particular day. 

  in  🙌 share_a_win
March 29

I am over the moon at my tiny breakthrough tonight with my baby 6 year old.

I let her say no.

It sounds weird to me, because for years I have always rode with the idea of not letting the horse say no. Tonight she did not want to go near a small obstacle she could easily walk over, and instead of fighting her,. We went away worked on other stuff, and then came back to the obstacle and got a little bit closer, when she said no we walked away again. We did this patiently back and forth until she gained enough confidence to easily walk over it, then jump it. Wow!

  in  🙌 share_a_win
March 30

I've had a very memorable moment this week, and I'd

Iove to tell you about it. I've had my new mare Skye for only 3 months. She usually trots over to the gate when she sees me--or at least she walks over-- but this week after I hadn't been to the barn for 3 days (my husband has cancer and was hospitalized, so my plate is very full), Skye full out galloped over to greet me at the gate! My heart just burst!

  in  🐎 road_to_the_horse_2025
March 30

WAY TO GO TIK!!!! So well deserved. Tik was amazing!

  in  🐎 road_to_the_horse_2025
March 30


Day 3 is here and Tik is at the top of the scoreboard going into the last round of competition!

Tune into the official livestream here and don't forget, everyone who comments in a RTTH watch party thread is entered for a chance to win a free, private 30 minute Office Hours session with Tik! 

  in  🙌 share_a_win
January 10
• Edited (Jan 10, 2025)

As there are no big or small wins, here’s mine for the week:

Today, I was getting frustrated while riding my horse. He kept pulling toward the gate and just wouldn’t relax. I was waiting (and waiting) for that moment of calm release, where he’d stop moving his feet and his head would drop—but it wasn’t coming, no matter what I tried or how long I waited. I felt myself getting more and more annoyed. I didn’t have all day to wait for him to settle, and the frustration was building.

But after watching all of Josh's content, I knew––if I couldn’t relax, there was no way my horse would, either. So, as he continued to walk around the ring, I decided to focus on myself. I tried some of Julia’s breathing exercises, and slowly, the fog of frustration started to clear. I stopped fixating on what wasn’t happening and started to just be in (and enjoy!) the moment, even if it wasn’t the ride I originally wanted.

Eventually, my horse found his calm, too. When he did, we ended the ride—both of us no longer frustrated or tense.

What's your win this week?

  in  🐎 road_to_the_horse_2025
March 29
• Edited (Mar 30, 2025)


Day 2, baby, let’s gooooo! How did we all feel about yesterday's events? On a scale of 1 to 10 how much of a Tik superfan are you? Same, same.

Today, Tik will be teaching a clinic at 11:00 AM ET / 8:00 AM PT, then competing in Championship Round 2 at 2:00 PM ET / 11:00 AM PT.

Tune into the official livestream here and don't forget, everyone who comments in a RTTH watch party thread this weekend is entered for a chance to win a free, private 30 minute Office Hours session with Tik!