September 27

Hi! I wanted to share a victory of my own since watching Josh’s latest course. It’s given me so much more awareness of my horse’s needs. While my horse tends to be more of a Mind horse, I’ve definitely seen him experience all three needs. Over the past week, I’ve changed how I respond when I recognize he's seeking a need. For example, when he’s in a Pressure state, I used to think he was being disrespectful and would move him out of my space. I still don't let him walk over me, but now the energy is different—I've learned to use those moments to connect with him.

When I’m riding, I’ve been focusing on using my reins to help change his thoughts. The other day, we were in the ring, and his paddock buddy was getting ready to head out for a trail ride. I started feeling a bit anxious because usually, when his friend leaves without him, my horse gets upset, and I end up needing to get off and do groundwork. But this time, after just a few soft thought redirections, he stayed calm and relaxed, and we had an amazing ride. He didn’t look, lean towards the gate, or call out once. I was so happy! It felt amazing to have a better understanding of his needs so that we can have the best relationship and truly want to be together— even more than being on a fun trail ride with his best horse-friend!