Understanding Your Horse's Needs (Part 2: Practical)

Understanding Your Horse's Needs (Part 2: Practical)

Introducing Chunky, a Mind Horse - Lesson 10 - Understanding Horse's Needs with Josh Nichol
Meet Chunky, a mind horse who struggles when they're not with the herd.

Introducing Raven - Space Horse - Lesson 14 - Understanding Horse's Needs with Josh Nichol
Meet Raven, a Space Horse who became quite defensive and is learning how to let go of tension.

Introducing Sid, a Pressure Horse - Lesson 18 - Understanding Horse's Needs with Josh Nichol
Meet Sid, a pressure horse. When his needs aren’t met, his sensitivity kicks in, and he reacts by bucking or panicking.

Introducing Chunky, a Mind Horse - Lesson 10 - Understanding Horse's Needs with Josh Nichol
Meet Chunky, a mind horse who struggles when they're not with the herd.

Round Pen Liberty with Mind Horse, Chunky - Lesson 11 - Understanding Horse's Needs with Josh Nichol
In this session with Chunky, a Mind Horse, Josh shows how important it is to connect a horse’s brain and body.

Round Pen on Lead Rope with Mind Horse, Chunky - Lesson 12 - Understanding Horse's Needs with Josh Nichol
Watch what happens when the body separates from the mind and how appropriate pressure – but not halter pulls – can release this.

Under Saddle with Mind Horse Chunky - Lesson 13 - Understanding Horse's Needs with Josh Nichol
For Mind Horses, reins aren’t meant for steering—they’re tools to change the horse’s thoughts.

Introducing Raven - Space Horse - Lesson 14 - Understanding Horse's Needs with Josh Nichol
Meet Raven, a Space Horse who became quite defensive and is learning how to let go of tension.

Liberty with Space Horse, Raven - Lesson 15 - Understanding Horse's Needs with Josh Nichol
Space Horses often carry tension, which can build up and lead to explosive behavior.

Round Pen on Lead Rope with Space Horse, Raven - Lesson 16 - Understanding Horse's Needs with Josh Nichol
Learn how to get the energy flowing between you and your horse in a relaxed and receptive way.

Under Saddle with Space Horse, Raven - Lesson 17 - Understanding Horse's Needs with Josh Nichol
Space horses naturally like to slow down, and that can lead to riders constantly nagging them to go forward.

Introducing Sid, a Pressure Horse - Lesson 18 - Understanding Horse's Needs with Josh Nichol
Meet Sid, a pressure horse. When his needs aren’t met, his sensitivity kicks in, and he reacts by bucking or panicking.

Round Pen Liberty with Pressure Horse, Sid - Lesson 19 - Understanding Horse's Needs with Josh Nichol
A pressure horse's instinct is often to run from external pressures–but it's our job to teach them a better way to respond.

Round Pen on Lead Rope with Pressure Horse, Sid - Lesson 20 - Understanding Horse's Needs with Josh Nichol
A lead rope should act as a tool to sense your horse’s tension and guide them toward softness

Under Saddle with Pressure Horse, Sid - Lesson 21 - Understanding Horse's Needs with Josh Nichol
Josh demonstrates how to use his aids effectively to bring softness and help Sid release the tension he’s been holding onto.
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