Lesson 4: Training Under Saddle, Training the Barn Sour Horse with Chelsea Canedy


May 2024
Lesson 4: Training Under Saddle, Training the Barn Sour Horse with Chelsea Canedy

Lesson 4: Training Under Saddle, Training the Barn Sour Horse with Chelsea Canedy

In this lesson, Chelsea puts the tools and techniques from the past three lessons to work while under saddle. She talks you through exactly how to handle moments of frustration and instead teaches you how to integrate patience, understanding, and positive reinforcement.

Key Takeaways:

  • This process is about teaching the horse to make productive choices, versus forcing a specific behavior.

  • Begin the training process under saddle with the same diagnostic tools you previously used on the line.

  • Keep your definition of 'work' challenging enough that your horse can easily differentiate work from rest, but simple enough that it is easy to clearly repeat.

  • Resuming work is never a punishment. We are simply communicating the locations for work vs. rest and encouraging the horse to make their own choice and develop genuine understanding.

  • If your horse repeatedly chooses not to rest away from the 'sour' area, you may need to slightly increase the challenge of your work.

  • Training is not black and white: remember to work on a spectrum and reward small movements in the desired direction.

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